
Our distributors are distributed in more than 50 countries and regions around the world, and continue to grow.

We look forward to your joining, let us build a reliable international brand together!


Join conditions

We are optimistic about the vacuum pump market together with Yangyi Electromechanical, and are willing to explore the market and work together; Recognize Yangyi electromechanical equipment and culture, obey channel management, be familiar with such service or product sales experience, and have high-quality customer resources.

  • Step 1

    Submit application for cooperation intention

  • Step 2

    The company reviews and understands

  • Step 3

    Cooperation agreement and policy description of Yangyi electromechanical development dealer

  • Step 4

    Dealers sign cooperation agreements

  • Step 5

    Signed by Yangyi Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd

  • Step 6

    Dealer's first purchase (fax the detailed order of purchased products and payment voucher to our company)

  • Step 7

    Delivery (the financial department shall notify the sales specialist to deliver the goods after confirming that the payment for goods has arrived)